Sunday, June 12, 2011

Not the same child

While some of this looks the same--- let me assure you it's not!

Yes, its the same railraod tracks, the same hobo stick, and even the same beloved brown bear...

But this far from the same child!!

Now this child is young girl who misses nothing. This "child" is learning to read, knows how swim and ice skate, is strongly opinionated regarding her clothing attire, claims to know who her Mother-in-law will be, already has her wedding planned ( including the cake). She thinks the entire world is here to meet her needs at a moments notice, and has her parents firmly under her control.

But this child also now knows the meaning of family, what sharing and loving is about, and how wonderful friends are. This child knows who JESUS is and how much he loves her and she wants to tell others about His love for them. This child gets in the car and asks to sing some "Jesus music", because it makes her happy. This child talks constantly about what Heaven will be like, and how happy her Papaw Keith must be up there in that place with Jesus.

No, this is not the same child from those first pictures on the railroad- she has changed and grown and continues to inspire me every day to be more, to see the world thru new eyes, to trust and love with my whole heart.

This child spends her days growing and learning in awe--- but oh what she teaches me!!!


Stephanie and Jamie said...

I love this post! It brought tears to my eyes. She is truly growing up, and she is just beautiful... inside and out!

Stacie said...

oh my!!! tears are flowing!!!

Tracy said...

Beautiful post. Can't wait to see you guys - two weeks!