Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kenli's First Haircut

Today Kenli had her first haircut. She did really well and looks super cute, just had to share.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kenli's Birthday Party

Kenli's almost 2!! We thought we would update everyone on Kenli's progress. She went to the Doctor for her 2 yr checkup this week. She weights 29.5 pounds and is 35 inches tall. We are now officially caught up with all her vaccines. She received 2 more shots, a TB skin test,a finger stick, and had blood drawn. She was a trooper thru it all, even telling the lady who was drawing her blood "I sorry lady". She is running, climbing, and growing by leaps and bounds. Her favorite food is noodles with chicken and broccoli and cheese soup. She also loves cucumbers and most all fruits. She is loving gymnastics classes and attends weekly. She is talking in 7-9 word sentences and talks nonstop. She loves books and singing. She can count to 11 and can say her abc's up to Q. She knows all colors and shapes (including octagon). We have been amazed at all she has learned in such a short period of time. Only 11 months ago she had never heard English , and has not only learned a new language, but has also developed in so many ways it is hard to imagine. She is so amazing.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A day to celebrate!!

This weekend we received some wonderful news from China. We have been sponsoring a child thru Half the Sky's Little Sisters program, at the orphanage where Kenli spent her first 13 months. We have provided a half the sky nanny for "our baby Rui" so she might have the much needed contact and attachment to someone. We have spent the past 9 months praying and thinking and talking about "our baby Rui". We are overjoyed to announce that she has been adopted and is now home with her forever family. It brought tears to my eyes as I remembered those first few days with Kenli, and now knowing that baby Rui will never again have to spend even one day wondering what her future would hold. She is now learning what it feels like to BELONG to a forever family. We have now been assigned another baby in the Chenzhou orphanage, her name is baby Ru and she is 16 months old. Please help us pray that this baby will be kept safe, warm, and healthy and will also soon know the love of a forever family.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our first glimpse

This week a year ago, I was packing for the 6th time. We received "the call" on September the 4th, 2007, and what an amazing day that was!! That was the day we first saw our baby girl's face. Then it was a whirlwind of activity preparing for our journey around the world to bring home the greatest gift we could ever imagine. It is hard to believe it has already been a year, and what a wonderful year it has been.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kenli's First Day of School

Kenli had her first day of Mother's day out today. While she was really excited about going, it was a hard morning for us both. After getting there and taking a good look around, she decided that she was ready to leave. She cried really hard for most of the time we were there, even though I stayed with her. By the second hour she was telling me "need BaBa to hold me for just a little bit." So after leaving school we went to Baba's work for a "BaBa fix", After which she fell asleep on the way home and slept for 2 hours without eating lunch. She was feeling much better after her nap- and we will try it all again next week.