Thursday, July 1, 2010

A few days at the lake

We spent a few days camping at the lake, and boy does that wear a Baba and Gnatty out!! I caught them napping on the boat.
Kelsi and Kenli fishing for "mintos" (minnows). Or maybe just playing in the mud

Kenli rode an intertube behind the boat all by herself. Yeah Kenli!!
(Even sometimes with no hands)

Lovin' this

It was Kenli and Gnatty's job to supervise while Kelsi rode- Gnatty was EXTRA vigilant!!


Adam said...

That's so cool! I bet she'll ask for a boat at the reunion.

Stephanie and Jamie said...

Kenli is the coolest! We thought the napping photo was too funny!
She is amazing!
I hope we find you at the reunion. I want you to meet our friends from SC.
Have a great day!