Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kenli's Birthday Party

Kenli's almost 2!! We thought we would update everyone on Kenli's progress. She went to the Doctor for her 2 yr checkup this week. She weights 29.5 pounds and is 35 inches tall. We are now officially caught up with all her vaccines. She received 2 more shots, a TB skin test,a finger stick, and had blood drawn. She was a trooper thru it all, even telling the lady who was drawing her blood "I sorry lady". She is running, climbing, and growing by leaps and bounds. Her favorite food is noodles with chicken and broccoli and cheese soup. She also loves cucumbers and most all fruits. She is loving gymnastics classes and attends weekly. She is talking in 7-9 word sentences and talks nonstop. She loves books and singing. She can count to 11 and can say her abc's up to Q. She knows all colors and shapes (including octagon). We have been amazed at all she has learned in such a short period of time. Only 11 months ago she had never heard English , and has not only learned a new language, but has also developed in so many ways it is hard to imagine. She is so amazing.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Such a smart girl! And how funny that she and Charlotte both had Pooh 2nd birthday parties!